Shane Ulbin – Chairperson
704 Crestwood way Winter Springs 32708
407 808 3626
The Lady and the Gramp, Its Election
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, it’s time to make sure you’re registered
with your supervisor of elections. And if you want to vote by mail call and
request a ballot, because if you haven’t done so then you probably won’t
receive one So please call today.
So what are our choices? One is Kamala Harris our current vice
president and the other is former president Donald Trump. At our national
convention our members voted to endorse Kamala Harris I wasn’t there
and did not vote. So I understand our republican members don’t support
this most likely. I would say that about 40%of our members are republican.
But that said I pray my brothers and sisters can understand why we have
endorsed Harris. It’s simple really, she endorses unions and Donald Trump
does not. Mr. Trump in a recent televised phone call with Elon Musk
praised the way Elon Musk fired workers who wanted to form a union and
strike. Trump went on to laugh as if it was a joke. Also, in project 2025
(which Trump claims he doesn’t support all of just some of it but doesn’t
say what parts he does) it has chapter on labor where it says to abolish
unions. I understand there are other issues from abortion to the border and
a ton of misinformation out there. But I only care about our union, letter
carriers and working families because that is the cornerstone of our lives
and jobs. So, my job is to inform you, your job is to vote and make sure all
you know votes for whomever they choose. I choose my retirement and all
your jobs.
On August 9 th I was invited by Congressman Maxwell Frost to participate
in a labor roundtable with Labor Secretary Julie Su. The topic was heat and
working outside. Also attending was Congressman Darren Soto, State
Senator Victor Torres, State Representative Anna Eskamani and leaders
from the Tampa OSHA Office. You can expect policy changes to protect
workers. A large press conference followed, and the Labor Secretary
mention the letter carriers.
On August 20 th Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) Jackie
Daly, Gordy Ford and I did a retiree mailout for those who used to give to
the political fund so they can re-up. Please return the forms and Thank You!
Soon many retirees that are released will soon be heading out to
various locations to work on labor-to-labor campaigns around the country.
They will be knocking on doors and making phone calls to fellow union
members of the AFI-CIO. Please wish them well. We continue to push all
our resolutions, and we will be meeting again with Congressman Cory Mills
to try to get him on the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act on Sept.10 th .
So please be aware of the surroundings and stay hydrated. Always
make it home to your loved ones. Hope everyone enjoyed Labor Day one
of my favorite holidays.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative Representative
/Trustee/FSALC District 3 chairperson/ NALC Congressional Liaison 407-
808-3626 or
American Politics Change is the Air!
Greetings brothers and sisters! In three weeks, our political landscape has changed. From the battle of the too old to maybe a new dawn in America. Three weeks ago, President Biden had what in my lifetime what was the worst debate in history. And the Democratic Party elite turned on a American icon in Joe Biden, Then the unimaginable happened our former President Donald J Trump was nearly killed in a cowardly assassination attempt. Then came the Republican National Convention. By all accounts these three events should have sealed the deal for the republican nominee Donald J Trump!
Polls had Trump up by average six points. But the polls should have been of in my opinion been higher. Why weren’t they? Then the media joined in attacking Joe Biden and his age. So, I thought this was it for Biden and the Democrats, right? Well, this is America in the year of our lord 2024! So, what happened? Well President Biden caught covid. Then on the last night of the RNC convention what should have been a victory speech Trump went off the 28-minute teleprompter. He went on for almost ninety minutes talking about things like having Hannibal Lector over for dinner. He had millions watching at the beginning of his speech, not many at all as the time approached 1130 at night.
Then the next night Trumps VP pick JD Vance had a rally, and his speech was as bizarre as Trumps. He talked of childless cat ladies and drinking diet mountain dew. Now let me tell you as a cat dad, don’t mess with cat people ok. And Biden still had covid. So, all America was still remembering that debate. A debate in which at times the president seemed incoherent and not able to stay on topic. So, our presidential election was rather in a void.
Then as President Biden was still ill, he made the announcement heard around the world. Biden was getting out of the race! He then threw his support behind his VP Kamala Harris! Talk about winds of change! I am looking forward to seeing the movie Twisters if you get my meaning. So where does that leave our presidential election? Well, it is literally too close to call. This election is where I always said it was going to be., where it was before all the craziness. It’s going to be close to the end. But the differences now are plain to see. And whoever you support make sure you vote.
Now I have been getting a lot of calls about ballots as you should have received your primary ballot by now. If you haven’t, call your supervisor of elections asap. I also had a call from one of our poor hard-working stewards. The steward was told by a member that they didn’t want us to endorse Kamala Harris but said nothing of Doanld J Trump. First our stewards are too busy defending you to have to worry about politics. That’s my job and I always leave my contact information. I am here to answer your questions honestly and truthfully. Second, we never endorse any candidate until after the primaries. So, although many unions have endorsed Harris the NALC has not. I do know that during the last presidential election the NALC included a questionnaire in the Postal Record after the primaries so our members can decide. I truly hope they do that again.
Some great news though. Remember I always ask you to give to our Letter Carrier Political Fund to help us keep and make new political friends? Well, here is a great example why, President Biden has nominated our dear friend Val Demings to the US Postal Service Board of Governors. How awesome is that! We wish her well in the confirmation process.
We are still working hard to advance the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (POLCA). Too many of you are being attacked and robbed, even murdered. Our hearts and prayers go out to our sister Octavia Redmond who lost her life when she was shot multiple times on her route in Chicago. She was 48 years old, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. Call your representative and tell them to sign on to HR 7629.
So, brothers and sisters please be aware of surroundings. Take your breaks and stay hydrated. And to all the Delegates going to the convention in Boston be safe and enjoy and know we are wonderfully represented.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin FSALC District 3 Chairperson /Br 1091 Legislative Representative and Trustee/ NALC Congressional Liaison or 407 808 3626
POLCA? Well, It’s Time to Dance!
Welcome Brothers and Sisters, what is POLCA? Well, it’s not a dance. It is the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act. And it is the priority of NALC. I was recently asked by a carrier if I thought POLCA has a chance to pass in this Congress. And my answer is yes this is doable. First, we need to get enough co-sponsors, which is 218 of 435. I believe that if we can get HR.7629 or POLCA to the house floor it will pass.
But first what is POLCA about? Well since 2020 there have been more than 2000 crimes against letter carriers on the job. Last year 643 carriers were robbed. And too many were violent. Branch 1091 in Orlando has had 3 carriers robbed, one of which a gun was held to our brother’s head. Most of these robberies were for the arrow keys. We have too many brothers and sisters assaulted, robbed even murdered in the line of duty. America needs and depends on what you all do. And Enough is Enough!
The Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (POLCA)would go a long way to protect us on the job. It will provide $7 billion to the Postal Service infrastructure. That would be about $1.4 Billion a year from 2025 to 2029.POLCA would include high-security collection boxes and would replace the arrow key with a more secure electronic device. It would implement updated technology nationwide. This will devalue the key infrastructure and would make our routes safer.
As of now there are not enough prosecutions of these crimes even though they have more than doubled. But POLCA will change that. It would require the Attorney General to appoint an assistant US Attorney to each district that would prioritize any crime against letter carriers. As of now penalties for these crimes are weak. That would change to carry penalties equal to that of crimes against federal law enforcement officers.
So please support H.R.7629 Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (POLCA). Look up your representative, it’s easy you can use google. Ask them to support H.R,7629. Tell them this is a law-and-order bill. Tell them it helps letter carriers many of whom are veterans. Tell them to do it because you are a constituent. But please make that call. And give to the Letter Carriers Political Fund and ask others to do so. Here in our district, we have got congressmen Darren Soto a democrat and Bill Posey a republican to co-sponsor. Congressman Maxwell Frost is reviewing the bill and we are still trying to get a meeting with Republican Cory Mills. MAKE THE CALL!
Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings. And in this oppressive heat stay hydrated and take your breaks. Make sure you make it home at night, we all do appreciate you.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin FSALC District Chairperson /Branch 1091 Legislative Representative, Trustee/NALC Congressional Liaison. 407 808 3626
Happy Juneteenth Brothers and Sisters
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, this month we get to celebrate another holiday with a day off. And in this heat, I know you can all use it. But what are we celebrating? We are celebrating Independence Day. Yes, our country really does have two Independence Days or two birthdays. Of course, July 4th we celebrate the birth of our nation from the tyranny of Europe at the time in 1776. But on June 19th we celebrate the Independence of our Black brothers and sisters from the ugly curse of slavery. It is like our countries rebirth when we came closer to the promise of all men are created equal. On June 19th, 1866, the last of our enslaved brothers and sisters were emancipated in Galveston Texas. Although the civil war ended in 1865 it took that long for word to travel. Of course, it’s a lot more complicated and even today we still strive for that more perfect union. So, enjoy your day off but please take a moment to acknowledge this momentous date in our history.
Last month on the 17th ,18th and 19th we had our district training in Orlando. We tried something different with 4 of our 5 districts combining to do our training together. Orlando is part of my district, and it was an honor to have it here. The training was well attended, including many from branch 1091. We had many guest speakers on the first day. We had both contractual and political training. The political training was mandatory for all our Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL). Our lccls Jakie Daly and Gordy Ford attended the two-day training as did I. The first day focused on keeping our Congressional friends and making new ones. We were trained on all the bills that affect letter carriers, especially 7629 the Protect Our Letter Carriers Act (POLCA). It was given by our state president Al Friedman and Region 9 and 13 LPO Eileen Ford. On the second day the training we turned to our state legislature and all the things that went on in Tallahassee this session. This training was taught by our state president Al Friedman along with district 2 chairman Gerry Lonergan. Our main instructor was our state legislative guru Kevin Byrne. Kevin put together an awesome power point presentation that reviewed all our members in Tallahassee. Kevin went over all the bills that have any effect on us and our families. It was a well-done class that could have used more time. Great job Kevin Byrne and a special thank you to all our instructors as they helped prepare us for the upcoming elections.
So, on May 30th I attended Congressman Sotos’ Labor Advisory Board meeting. It gave me a chance to thank him for signing H.R.7629 the POLCA Act in front of the other unions. Congressman Soto is an honorary member of branch 1091. POLCA will give 1.5 billion a year up to 7 billion dollars to the postal service to provide new technology to eliminate the arrow keys. It will also provide higher penalties for criminals that attack letter carriers. Enough is Enough.
So please be careful out there. Be aware of your surroundings. And in this heat stay hydrated and take your breaks. Always be able to come home at the end of the day.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative Representative/Trustee/FSALC District 3 Chairman/ NALC Congressional Liaison. Contact me at or 407-808-3626
This April Let Them Not Make Us FOOLS!
Every March we remember the wildcat strike by brave letter carriers in 1970. There is a great video titled (The Revolt of the Good Guys). If you haven’t watched it, you should. Because from that point on postal management would never make fools of the letter carriers or our union again. The fight that started that year continues to this day. It is fought on the workroom floor by our dedicated and unrecognized stewards. It is fought in the offices of our stations during the grievance process, it is fought in the rooms where step b teams meet. It is fought at arbitration and in the offices of region 9’s business agent, and in our headquarters in Washington.
But do you know where the biggest fight of all is taking place? If you said Washington DC, you are right. Did you know that congress has the power to change our contract, pensions, and our healthcare by a vote? If you said yes, you are right. That’s why we need to release carriers to help work on campaigns. To go to the halls of congress to meet with every single representative and senator. To go to the home district offices of all the representatives and senators to talk about issues important to letter carriers and their families.
That is why we have letter carrier congressional liaisons (LCCL) for every member of congress. It is their job as volunteers to not only bring our issues to them but also form a relationship with them. Republican, Democrat or Independent it does not matter. If they help us, we will help them, it really is that simple. What is not simple is building that relationship. But because of all the hard work of these volunteers across the country we have many friends in congress. These friends protect our way of life and that of our families. But every election we must start over to keep our friends still there and make new ones for those we may have lost in the election.
From the postal strike of 1970 to the recent Postal Reform Act the fight has been won. But in one loss we can lose so much. So, we must never stop. But that takes a lot of volunteers and money. You may say all we are doing is buying politicians and you would be right. But don’t you think the Postal Service, UPS, FedEx and those that want to privatize the postal service are doing the same thing? Make no mistake, we have many enemies in both the political and corporate worlds.
This May 17th and 18th we will be having training at Universal Doubletree in Orlando. Please attend to learn and become involved. One of the most important ways you can get involved is by giving to the Letter Carriers Political Fund (LCPF). If you are already giving, then please increase your contribution. If you are not giving please give. We must get money through this fund because we cannot use union dues. Remember we give to all and help all members of congress whether they are Republican, Democrat or Independent. Please help us help all of us. Its job insurance for the postal service. Brothers and Sisters, it is important you can go to NALC.ORG to give. You can contact.
Shane Ulbin at or 407-808-3626
Eileen Ford at or 202-286-8718
Gordy Ford at or407 -399-2429
Jacquelyn Daly at or 407-923-9563
Nathaniel Shivers at or 862-452-6989
(The Fool knows after he’s suffered) …..Hesiod
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative Representative/Trustee FSALC District 3 Chairman NALC Congressional Liaison.
The Mouth is What Breaks the Nose
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! Its March and time for the Irish and the March Madness to come out in us all. St Patrick’s Day is upon us! Spring Training is here! Soon basketballs will be flying in the Big Dance. My favorite time of year. It is also the time for the election cycle to heat up. And for the first time I can say that Tallahassee is more dysfunctional than Washington but not by much.
Let’s talk about Tallahassee. Our leaders tried to pass a child labor law that would have brought us back to the 18th century. Republican house member Linda Chaney introduced H.B.49 Employment and Curfew of Minors Act. This bill would of allowed 16 and 17 year olds to work more than forty hours without parental permission on school nights and without set breaks. Rep. Chaney, a small business owner said that employers would do the right thing as to breaks and hours. YEAH RIGHT! But thanks to all the unions in the AFL-CIO Working Families Lobbying Corp and Dr. Rich Templin amendments were passed that watered down this draconian bill. The kids will now need parental permission to work over 30 hours. It requires 30-minute break every 4 hours if the child is working over 8 hours, the kids cannot work over 8 hours if they have school the next day, Folks it isn’t a coincidence that they tried to change the child labor laws while attacking migrant workers. We should be very proud to be part of the Working Families Lobby Corp.
In Washington congress had the chance to pass a bi-partisan immigration bill. This had everything that just 3 months ago republicans in congress wanted. And the democrats were going along with this bill which surprised me. It died because a presidential candidate who is running on the border said don’t let it pass. I work for the union, not either party. But when I see something wrong, I simply have to write the truth. Especially when it affects us all. As far as our bills H.R.82 Social Security Fairness Act is sitting there with 308 co-sponsors and not being heard on the floor. That’s wrong and we will be reaching out to our friends in congress to see if we can’t get it heard.H.R.5995 Federal Retirement Act still only h (as 84 co-sponsors. The USPS Shipping Act has had both original co-sponsors withdraw. Right now, we will continue to push H.R.82 and H.R. 5995 but I really don’t see anything else moving until after the elections.
We need your help to get our co-workers to give to the Letter Carriers Political Fund (LCPF). We are planning to do a mail out to our retirees to help them sign up. We will be at future trainings including on May 17th and 18th in Orlando at the Universal Doubletree to sign members up. I along with some of our Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) will be going to other branches in our district to update them and sign them up. We will always be at our branch meeting in Orlando to help our branch to sign up new members and help others if they want to give more. Our branch is doing poorly, and we all need to show that we care about our jobs and our branch. Please give!
Brothers and Sisters please be careful when delivering the mail. Pay attention to the surroundings! And beware of your health. It’s official that Florida is the hottest state followed by Arizona the last 15 years. So take your breaks and drink plenty of water. Please it’s important that you get to go home to your loved ones each and every day. Happy St Patrick’s Day and Play Ball!
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin Br,1091 Legislative Representative / Trustee .FSALC Distict 3 Chairman. NALC Congressional Liasion, 407 808 3626 or
Happy New Years or New (Tears)
Greetings Brothers and Sisters ! I sincerely hope your holidays were great. After all you just carried 8 billion packages and 5.2 million pieces of mail a day as of the Dec. 16th data. WOW and OUCH! and THANK YOU! All of that should open the arbitrator’s eyes. Now that the new year is here, we are going to be busy in Washington and Tallahassee.
First let’s deal with Washington, House Bills H.R 82 Social Security Fairness Act has 301 co -sponsors 201 Democrats 100 Republicans. Next H.R. 618 Improving Access to Compensation for Federal Workers Act has 29 co-sponsors 20 Democrats 9 Republicans. Next H.R. 5995 Federal Retirement Fairness Act has 46 co-sponsors 27 Democrats 19 Republicans. Next H.R.3721 USPS Shipping Equity Act has 17 co-sponsors 15 Democrats 2 Republicans. Next the Senate Bills S 597 Social Security Fairness Act has 49 co-sponsors 39 Democrats 7 Republicans 3 Independents. S 131 Improving Access to Compensation for Federal Workers Act has 2 co-sponsors 1 Democrat 1Republican.Next are the House Resolutions they are H.Res. 376 Door Delivery has 33 co-sponsors 20 Democrats 13 Republicans. Next H.Res. 439 Anti- Privatization has 3 co-sponsors 3 Democrats 0 Republicans. Next H.Res. 277 Service Standards has 41 co-sponsors 33 Democrats 8 Republicans. You need 218 votes in the house to pass a bill on the floor. In the Senate you need 60 votes. So, you see we have our work cut out for us. You can help by making phone calls to your representatives in congress to support these bills. You can also help by giving to the Letter Carrier Political Fund. You can find out about all these Bills and Resolutions by going to NALC.Org and going to government affairs and click on talking points. Please take the time to educate yourselves.
Now let’s talk about Tallahassee. We always try to release some carriers to go to Tallahassee to join other unions in the AFL-CIO program called (Working Families Lobby Corp). They meet at the AFL-CIO headquarters each morning. They get briefed on all meetings at the capital that affect working families. They schedule meetings with representatives and they all head to the capital for a long day of being heard. For example, the Florida State Association of Letter Carriers (FSALC) are pushing for a budget resolution of 195,000 dollars to pay for food drive bags for the state. We need to meet with co-sponsors and attend committee meetings to move it forward. Then there are issues that affect our families. Like the credit card companies that send lots of money like 10,000 dollars to the state senate leader and other republicans to allow them to continue swipe fees in our state. These charges by Visa and Master Card are anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 % to each business that you use a charge or debit cards at. Brothers and Sisters, its legal scams like these that really drive inflation. I will keep all of you up to date on any issues forthcoming.
January 15th is Martin Luther Kings celebrated birthday. Let’s take some time to remember this great American. I will be in Sanford marching in the parade with the Seminole County Youth Group. I will then be at the Sanford Civic Center for a community celebration. Please come join me. (We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools) …. MLK
Brothers and Sisters let’s have no tears this new year. Please be safe and professional and always come home at the end of the day. In Solidarity Shane Ulbin Br 1091Legeslative Representative /Trustee/FSALC District 3 Chairman / FL9 LCCL. 407-808-3626 or
It’s the Muletide Season Again
Greeting Brothers and Sisters. For most people this is a special
time. It’s the Christmas season. But for letter carriers it’s the time
of year when carriers work like mules and most supervisors act
like jackasses. Please be careful delivering the mail especially in
the dark. Take your breaks and lunch and don’t let management
bully you. If you have a problem, just take a deep breath and ask
for union time. However, it is also the season for time with family
and friends. So please have a wonderful holiday however you
celebrate it.
HR 82 the Social Security Fairness Act has been
reintroduced. It did have 300 co –sponsors. So, we will be
reaching out to our representatives to get it moving. We must
continue to find support for the Federal Retirement Fairness Act
HR 5995. This bill would help TE and CCA carriers even if you
have made regular to be able to buy back time enabling them to
retire earlier. I ask all of you to call your representatives and ask
them to co -sponsor HR 82 and HR 5995. You can do this by
going to NALC.ORG or using the app. Go to Government Affairs
and scroll down to Contact Congress then click on and enter your
zip code. You can also help us by going to Government Affairs
and scroll down to Contribute to our PAC. Click on and give to our
Letter Carrier Political Fund. Another important bill to letter
carriers is HR 3721 The USPS Shipping Equity Act. This would
allow the Postal Service to ship beer and wine and would
generate a lot of money. So please call your representative and
ask them to support HR 3721.
I would like to also since Veterans Day has passed thank all
of you who have served. Because of you we all enjoy living in the
best country in the history of the world. (One Small Wind CanRaise Much Dust )..Charlie Chan.
Be well all ,
Shane Ulbin
FSALC District 3 Chairman .
Tis the Season for Giving to Save your Living
Are you giving to the Letter Carrier Political Fund? If yes Thank You! If not, why not? You can give just 5 dollars per pay period, and you will be investing in the best insurance for yourself and your family. I am talking about Job Insurance. I always gave that when I was working it was only 10 dollars a month. Now that I am retired, I give 20 dollars a month. That’s because as a state officer who works in education and political activities for our union, I see firsthand the difference it makes. It doesn’t matter what party you belong to or what your ideologies are. Because we work with all parties and our only ideology is protecting the postal service, the union and our future. The Postal Reform Act took almost 15 years, but we won. We used to have to fight every year on every budget to protect 6-day delivery and one sixth of our workforce. Understand that congress can change everything with stroke of the pen and a vote.
I hear from many of you that we are just buying congressman and you know you’re right! We may not like it but understand so are the Teamsters that represent UPS. And there are enough in congress that don’t like federal workers. Our own governor has used the phrase he would cut our throats if he was elected president in reference to federal workers. Thats why we need to have friends both republican and democrats in congress. The good news is thanks to many latter carrier activists many of whom are retirees across the country we do have many friends in congress. That’s why we need your help to help you and all postal workers and retirees.
There are many ways to give.1) Payroll Deduction you can do this through Postal Ease online or by phone to have it taken automatically from your paycheck.2) Direct Bank Withdraw you can authorize the fund to withdraw monthly from your checking account.3) Annuity Deduction Retired carriers can elect to give monthly via automatic deduction.4)Family Member Contribution immediate family members of the NALC members can contribute to the fund using Electronic Fund Transfer or by making a onetime donation.5)One Time Letter Carrier Contribution this form should be used to identify names and members making onetime contributions .
If you need help getting signed up, please contact NALC Headquarters at 407-662-2833.
I would like to thank our entertainment committee and chairman Hiram Centeno for a wonderful 1091 Branch picnic on Sept.17th. A great time was had by all. And thank you to Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost for joining us and hanging out talking with brothers and sisters posing for pictures, shaking hands. Max had a great time. There is nothing new to report on our postal resolutions. Congress is in Washington and when they come back to their districts your Letter Carrier Liaisons will be contacting them.
Please Brothers and Sisters be safe be well be professional
In Solidarity,
Shane Ulbin Br 1091 Legislative Representative/Trustee, FSALC District 3 Chairman
Fl District 9 Congressional Liaison.
PAID FMLA? (Only if we fight for it!)
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all being careful in this oppressive heat. Please drink plenty of water and other sports drinks to stay hydrated. Seek shade or air conditioning if you should start to feel ill.
The headline is correct democrat Rosa DeLauro introduced H.R. 3481.The Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act in the House. And democrat Kirsten Gillibrand introduced S1714 a companion bill in the Senate. The House bill has 78 co-sponsors all democrat. As FSALC 3rd District Chairman I serve 4 congressional districts so far, we have 2 of our 4 representatives as co -sponsors FLD9 Democrat Darren Soto and FLD8 Republican Bill Posey. We are still working on getting FLD7 Republican Cory Mills and FLD10 Democrat Maxwell Alejandro Frost to sign on. Congressman Frost was here at our union hall during our District Training and Congressman Soto will be our guest at our August 8th union meeting.
The FAMILY ACT will provide up to twelve weeks of paid medical leave for all workers. The eligibility for benefits pretty much mirrors the FMLA ACT. The rate of paid leave is on a sliding scale and with the wage scale of most letter carriers we would be eligible for 50% of our wages, that would save half of the leave you would use if you chose too during the 12-week period. In the Senate S1714 has 33 co-sponsors 32 Democrat and 1 Independent unless we can get some republicans to sign on these bills have a zero chance of passing. Please call your representative and ask them to sponsor H.R.3481.
Of other concern to us currently is H.R 84 Social Security Fairness Act. This Act has 288 co- sponsors which is enough to move it to the floor. It hasn’t moved yet, and we will be continuing to push our representatives. The companion bill S597 has 44 co- sponsors. 36 democrats 5 republicans and 3 independents.
So please for us to make congress to take the FAMILY ACT seriously we need your help. Please make those phone calls when asked and please give to the Letter Carriers Political Fund (LCPF). And don’t forget to call or get on-line with your supervisor of elections to request a Vote by Mail Ballot (VBM). We can make anything happen as the Postal Reform Act is proof if WE VOTE, WE MAKE CALLS, WE KNOCK ON DOORS, WE MEET WITH OUR REPRESENTATIVES, WE WRITE LETTERS, WE GIVE TO LCPF, WE STAND IN SOLIDARITY!
Be Proud of being a union member together we make change for all working families. I hope to see you at our next meeting.
In Solidarity, Shane Ulbin, Br 1091 Legislative Representative /Trustee/ Fsalc District 3 Chairman /Nalc Fl 7 Lccl 407-808-3626 or
Hot Dogs, Hot Days, Hot Heads Its July!
“In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it” Barack Obama.
Greetings brothers and sisters, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Mine was nice and quiet. Now that you are back at work be careful in the heat and beware of your surroundings. As we enter the dog days of summer people can get short on temper, please keep that in mind.
We lost two heroes in labor and civil rights last month. In central Florida we lost Reverend Dr. Randolph Bracy. He revitalized the NAACP in our area putting on many fights. He is survived by his children former state senator Randolph Bracy III and current state house representative Lavon Bracy-Davis both are friends to letter carriers and working families he was 78 years old. Another major loss to union members of many unions in our state is that of R. Michael (Mike)Williams. Mike had been the state president of the Florida AFL-CIO since 2009. During that time many good bills for labor were passed including our vote by mail (vbm)law. He ran many labor to labor campaigns that elected many labor friendly legislators. He also ran the Working Families Lobby Corp which many of us participated in Tallahassee. It was where many different unions in the state come together to lobby for various bills that help working families. There will be a celebration of life and legacy event held at the Prime F. Osborn Convention Center. Located at 1000 Water St. Jacksonville Fl. The event will be held on August 19th, 2023, at 6:30pm. Both these men will be greatly missed.
On June 7th Letter Carrier Congressional Liaison(lccl) James (Gordy)Ford and I met with Amy Dunn District Director for republican congressman District 7 Cory Mills. The meeting went very well and our new lccl was outstanding. I believe there is a good chance the congressman will sign on to H.R.82 the Social Security Fairness Act. I look forward to future meetings. Our lccls are doing great work in the field. I will be attending the Florida Democrats Blue Gala on July 8th at Miami Beach. The purpose is to network and touch base with our congressional friends of the NALC. Others from the FSALC will also be in attendance.
On July 1st many new laws went into effect. The most important to us deals with voting by mail. The law changed so that you now must request a ballot every election cycle or 2 years. So, if you vbm you must request a new ballot, or you won’t receive one. You can request a ballot online or over the phone. Please, this coming election in 2024 is very important so request your ballot today by contacting your supervisor of elections.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Leg. Rep 1091/FSALC District 3 Chair 407-808-3626 or
Euclid’s Principle
Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. That’s Euclid’s principle. And to me that is a perfect analogy of our union it’s what makes us strong its each other. Since last we talked, we had our district training at our 1091 hall. It was attended by all our district branches, Melbourne, Apopka, Deland, Altamonte Springs and Orlando. RAA Anthony Ali gave a great class on Alt Dispute Resolution Process. President Al Friedman talked of the food drive and gave updates on our upcoming State Convention at Naples August 24th thru the 26th. The convention will be held at the Naples Grand Hotel, and you can get 3 extra nights at the rate of $159.00 which is quite a bargain at this 5-star hotel. Gerry Longagen gave a update on retirement and hopefully we will have a retirement seminar in our district in the future. Our special quest Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost gave us very informative talk on the new voter laws in Florida. The congressman stayed and met with members and posed for pictures. He was very well received.
We also have had our 2023 Stamp Out Hunger Letter Carriers Food Drive. And thanks to the hard work of our food drive coordinator Peggy Lane and assistant Marissa Parker this year was very successful. At this time, we collected around 237,000 pounds of food. WOW! And thank you to all the letter carriers, clerks and the managers that did get out the cards and bags to make it happen. Speaking of the food drive we were able to get a appropriations request in the state budget for$ 400,000. This will pay for food drive bags for the entire state next year. I would like to thank State House Representative from District 44 Rita Harris for getting our request in by the deadline.
At the time I am writing this congress still hasn’t raised the debt ceiling. This should be a formality and failing to do so will affect us all. It will affect social security, healthcare stock market, savings and 401k accounts not to mention our countries credit rating. Understand that raising the debt ceiling is to pay the countries bills that’s money already spent. So, when you hear we need to cut this or that understand that’s just political double speak. They are lying to us. The place for all that is during budget negotiations. Please call your congressperson tell them stop the bull just do your job and vote to raise the debt limit. Stop playing with our lives for political points or you will remember in 2024. Brothers and Sisters, you have the power you really do.
Well, its summer its hot there’s lightning and rain. Please be careful. Drink plenty of water and always be aware of your surroundings. Make it home safe we need you your loved ones need you.
Be Safe Be Professional Be Proud
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin FSALC District 3 Chairman / Branch 1091 Legislative Representative …407-808-3626/
All for One and One for All
Greetings brothers and a sisters, when I carried mail, I always looked forward to
spring. But now it seems we have gone straight into summer .It has been hot so
please stay hydrated and take your break somewhere cool. Please stay safe.
Well, I would like to congratulate our new Regional Administrative Assistant Ben
Paul. Ben along with NBA Eddie Davidson will be at our District 3 training. Along
with many others including FSALC President Al Freidman and Congressman
Maxwell Alejandro Frost all your questions will be answered . Congressman
Frost is our first Gen Z representative at age 25. So please come join us on
Sunday March 19 th from 10am to 2pm at Br 1091 union hall located at 4790
Deauville Dr in Orlando 32808. Please contact your steward or call the hall or
myself to let us know if you plan on attending so I have enough supplies and
( Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions )…Old
Our union is only as strong as our membership. So, folks we need to give to
the Letter Carrier Political Fund (LCPF). With 290,000 members we have a
93% membership with only 10 % giving to our fund. That is not all for one and
one for all. We need to make it so ! Our fund has allowed us along with an
amazing network of carrier activists to make friends with many in congress.
Republican, Democrat or Independent we talk to them all every single one that’s
how we passed the Postal Reform Act . And with upcoming important issues like
the Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA) and Federal Retirement Fairness Act
(FRFA) and the fact that there are extremists in congress that would like to
privatize the Postal Service we have a fight coming up. But as shown in the mid-
terms and with the amount of our supporters in congress make no mistake the
NALC has arrived as a force; they definitely hear us now! Please give to the
LCPF and if you can step up and become an activist we need your help.
In February I met with Congressman Darren Soto as part as his labor
advisory board. He is committed to help on our food drive and this year I will be
sending him to one of our east Orlando offices to help break down the food. I
have reached out to the other labor leaders at the meeting to help us get the
word out and one local church has donated 24,000 dollars for some bags we
continue to look for other donors. I would like to thank Florida House District 44
Representative Rita Harris for submitting our 450,000-dollar appropriation
request at the deadline. This money if approved will be used for food drive bags
next year. Rita has been invited to our district training on march 19 th .I hope to see
many of you there .
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, FSALC District 3 Chairman 1091 Political
Representative, Trustee and NALC LCCL. Contact 407 808 3626 or
New Year New Faces Same Challenges
Greetings Brothers and Sisters it’s been a while! So first I would like to congratulate our new national president Brian Renfroe ,executive vice president Paul Barner, and all our new national officers. And of course, our new NBA Eddie Davidson . What a great team to lead us forward. I look forward to some exciting new transformations.
Speaking of great teams. During this last election cycle the NALC released 67 members to the AFL-CIO to work on the Labor-to-Labor 2022 Campaign across the country. Nine of those were in an administrative role. I know that LPO John Beauchamp, LPO Eileen Ford and myself were released as Zone Leads and Kevin Byrne of Br 1690 was my deputy. Br 1091 Jackie Daly and Br 2699 Mike Clark were also released to my staff. Also released from Florida were Gerry Lonergan and FSALC vice president OD Elliot they were sent to North Carolina to work with Eileen Ford. I was the Zone 2 Lead sent to Warner Robins/Macon Georgia and oversaw the campaign in Middle Georgia. I reported on 9/6/2022 and was tasked with helping set up what be our war rooms and get them running for the next 3 months. Kevin Byrne would follow in a week and Mike Clark and Jackie Daly right after that. We had staff from the Steelworkers along with teams in Macon from a church run by Reverend James Baker. We worked very hard and our main goal for the NALC was the reelection of Senator Raphael Warnock. During the general election we also worked on other races including Stacy Abrams for governor. Election day was Nov.8th but even though Senator Warnock won in votes he finished with 49.4% and needed 50.1% under Georgia law. So, the election went to a runoff and Eddie Davidson asked if I could get the team back together and stay until Dec 7th.
Everyone except for Mike Clark who had family commitments returned. Since all other campaigns across the country were finished Georgia was flooded with the best unions had to offer – many were leaders from their unions. This took a little getting used to imagine becoming your bosses’ boss (lol). Our team now included many members from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) and the (NALC). We worked out of the AFGE and IBEW halls along with our hotel which by now had become our home. I have never worked with such a determined group in my life many going out and canvassing 3 turfs and even Mike made phone calls from his home in Florida. We all became brothers and sisters we made many new and great friends which made being away from home so long a little more tolerable. The result was victory in Georgia and Wisconsin and Arizona and elsewhere for labor friendly representatives that will continue to support working families and our way of life. This team has made big labor, NALC and themselves very proud and I can never thank them enough.
On Sunday March 19th at the Br 1091 Hall, we will have our District 3 Training with new Gen Z Congressman Maxell Frost as one of our guests. Please join us more info as we get closer will be available. Our LCCLs Gordy Ford and Jackie Daly will be meeting soon with new Congresspersons Corey Mills and Maxwell Frost on Letter Carrier issues. Please give to the Letter Carrier’s Political Fund and please volunteer to help with our food drive coming in May. In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, FSALC District 3 Chairman Br 1091 Legislative Representative /Trustee NALC Congressional Liaison, 407-808-3626 or
In is what is probably one of the biggest moments in human history is being played out in our world in real time. Around the globe autocrats are trying to rule the day. No more as obvious as in Europe. In Ukraine a free people fight for their freedom their way of life their future. They are fighting oppression from a punk like Vladimir Putin and bully country like Russia. When an autocrat like Putin doesn’t like the outcome of an election, he uses Bullets to try to cancel the ballots cast by a free and honest society.
And what of his own country, they are victims of a true fraudulent election. Unfortunately, the Russian people are victims too. Subject to an oppressive autocratic regime that now has instituted a draft forcing its people to fight for a lie propelled by lies of a real government-controlled media. This is what happens when a people allow bullets over ballots.
You can see how easily this can happen to a country whose people have chosen propaganda over truth. Not in America! Well until January 6 th , 2020, I would say that but now I’m not so sure anymore. That’s not hyperbole that’s my truth I worry for our country and for my grandchildren. So, this election day November 8 th , 2022, I am voting for our democracy. I don’t care if your Republican, Democrat or something else you’re an American. We are being divided by lies of those who want power and manipulated by some whom think they know what is best for those other then themselves. Some call that second part being woke and some call that first part as cultish. Wherever you fall in all this one
thing is certain this is our country all of ours. So, this election honor your country and vote.
In Orange, Seminole, Osceola, counties early voting ends on November 6 th in Volusia and Lake counties early voting ends November 5 th . And Election Day Statewide is November 8 th Please Vote! If you run into a problem call 1-866 OUR VOTE, 1-866 VE-Y VOTA.
I would like to congratulate the entire Renfroe -Barner team for winning our Unions National Officers election. And I would like to especially like to congratulate our new Region 9 National Business Agent Eddie Davidson!
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin FSALC District Chairman ,NALC LCCL, Branch 1091 Legislative
Representative/Trustee To contact 407-808-3626 or
Letter Carriers Get to VOTE Twice!
Brothers and Sisters during the next three months we get to vote
twice. And we need to do our part. First you will soon receive a
ballot from our union’s national headquarters. This is our election
for national and regional officers. This is very important to you and
your life as a letter carrier. Please fill out your ballot and mail it
right away. Here at branch 1091, I’m sorry to say in our last
election only about only one third of you voted. That’s not only
disappointing its embarrassing for our branch. Let’s show our
pride in our branch in our union and in ourselves and vote. Your
vote matters make it count please.
Next is our national, state and local general election. This is the
midterms the election in between our presidential elections. Some
think the midterms aren’t important. But they are so wrong the
midterm election effects your everyday life far more than the
presidential. During this election you can vote for mayor, school
boards, statehouse. You can vote for governor. You can vote for
our congressional representatives in the house and senate in
Our union here in Florida supports Val Demings for senate she
is running against Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist for governor he
is running against Ron DeSantis. Our union also supports many
congressional candidates, and you can go to NALC.ORG and
enter your zip code to see all these. Our if you have any
questions or need help, please contact me. I hope you can
support these candidates they are both republican and
democrats. Many of you did reach out to me during the primary
election and it was an honor to talk with you. So please vote in the upcoming election on November 8 th election day. You can now
request vote by mail ballots online by phone or at your supervisor
of elections and go there to find out your counties early voting
times and dates.
I am on assignment for national for two months. I am in
Georgia working on the Georgia AFL-CIO Labor to Labor 2022
campaign to elect labor friendly candidates. I am going to get
some more release staff from Florida to help here I will thank
them by name when all this over. I thank all of you at branch 1091
and district three and our great union for this opportunity. I won’t
let you down and please don’t let me down and vote.
Thank You in Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative
Representative, FSALC District 3 Chairman.
Contact me at 407-808-3626 or
(Power concedes nothing never did and it never will) ……. Frederick Douglas
Brothers and Sisters, I hope you and your families are well. Please its Africa hot
outside make sure to drink plenty of water and take your breaks.
In our wonderful country we live in a society that is an experiment. Our lives
depend on services like public education, police and fire departments, military,
unions, hospitals, laws and regulations. All this and more and because they are
for everyone regardless of employment or health are socialist in nature.
Regulations and laws control how far a company can go regarding the workforce
and prices that effect our economy. Capitalism needs these things our it will
destroy itself with greed and corruption. This is how the great experiment has
survived so long. Other governments have failed living with one or the other. So,
remember when thinking someone is a capitalist or a socialist these are not bad
words together in our country, they make us all American.
Last month’s steward training was very interesting. Special guest Eileen
Ford from region 9 taught everyone some history of our union and how very
important legislation is for letter carriers. Literally by a stoke of a pen congress
can change the postal service from our jobs to our pensions from our healthcare
to our wages everything. That is why bills like the Postal Reform Act and fighting
to keep collective bargaining are so important. And its important to keep up our
fight. We need your help if you’re not giving to the Letter Carrier Political Fund or
want to give more, please contact your steward or myself and give. It’s the best
job insurance you can get. We need to keep our friends in congress as we fight
to get bills like the Social Security Fairness Act and the Federal Retirement
Fairness Act.
(The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor) ……. Thomas R Donahue
Well, I often get on our Governor DeSantis for wrongs but when he is right
that too should be mentioned. Last month governor DeSantis vetoed Senate
President Wilton Simpsons Everglades Restoration Act (SB2508). I applaud him
as this bill did the opposite of its title and was the baby of Big Sugar and the
Energy companies. Now last month I also said we would follow the money a little
bit more. Well, our governor likes to campaign with our money by signing what I
call Culture Bills. Mainly to grab headlines these bills besides effecting our
everyday lives cost us a lot of money in court over lawsuits. About 5.8 million
dollars so far. Fighting with Disney over the Don’t say Gay bill and there’s Big
Tech over social media and then there are the Anti-Riot Law, Immigration Bill,
Congressional Redistricting, Anti Woke Law, Election laws, Gambling, Ballot
Initiatives, Felon Voting and Abortion. All grabbing big headlines all still costing
us taxpayers money. Imagine what else that money can be used for like maybe
affordable housing? Next month we will start looking at candidates for the
upcoming midterms.
Be Safe, Be Professional and always make it home every day.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, FSALC District Chair, Br 1091 Legislative
Reach me at: or 407-808-3626.
Food Drive Heroes and Legislative Zeroes
Greetings Brother and Sisters, it’s great to back on my feet feeling so good. I hope all of you are doing well. Our first food drive since 2019 is now finished and I am ever so proud to be a member of Branch 1091 because of all of you. The numbers are down as we knew they would be but successful enough to know we will be back on top next year. Any food is more food than what each town had for its food insecure citizens. You all did this without bags and on short notice. Our food drive coordinator Nelitza Maymi had only about 6 weeks to get this off the ground. I can tell you it really takes about 5 months. She worked hard traveling around for meetings, organizing volunteers for the drive and getting the cards out, running the drive the day of and putting out the fires that always occur. She had many roadblocks from new rules imposed by L’Enfant Plaza in Washington. She and all of you are truly heroes in our communities and I thank you. We can still help locally with many smaller food drives that I will mention as I learn of them. Although I haven’t the date yet Representative Daisy Morales District 48 is having one this month by her office. Please call 407-207-3840 for information she is located on Orlando’s east side at 5449 S Semoran Blvd Suite 221.
The passing of the Postal Reform Act is a major victory for both the USPS and the NALC. It took almost 15 years to achieve and so many unsung heroes that gave so much of there time and effort. But it also cost money and I’m sure the Letter Carriers Political Fund (LCPF) needs funds to continue our fight protecting letter carriers’ jobs and way of life. Why is the fund needed when you pay dues? Because union dues cannot legally be used politically, so we need a separate fund. I’m retired and give 10 dollars a month that’s only 5 dollars a pay period. So, when asked please give we get as much out of congress as we do in our contracts.
So, a little on the zeroes. What can I say Governor DeSantis continues to cost us money and poor appointments in a self-serving crusade. First the appointments that most effect our lives. Cord Byrd is a representative that once cursed out our State Black Democratic lawmakers. Nothing wrong with disagreeing but you need to be professional and give evidence as to your opposition. He has voted for many bills we oppose most importantly the voter reform bill that suppresses the vote and makes voting by mail more difficult. He has been appointed as Secretary of State a position that not only regulates our elections but also the new voter task force another pet project of our governor. The second appointment is that of his wife Esther Byrd. She was appointed to the powerful State Board of Education. She has made comments supporting QAnon even flying that flag on her boat. And she had made comments on twitter which she now has quit supporting the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection. We are entitled to our opinions, but they speak volumes of who we are. These are the people effecting our elections and our kid’s education and our quality of life. I will talk about the money next month.
Please Brothers and Sisters Be Well, Be Safe and Be Professional.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative Representative, FSALC District 3 Chairman, NALC District 9 Congressional Liaison.
Contact me at or 407-808-3626
Finally postal reform passed the senate and now heads to the president’s desk. This is something the union has been fighting for 15 years. It includes such items as stopping pre- funding and making six-day delivery permanent. It has provisions to reduce healthcare costs by participating in Medicare at retirement and age eligible. There will be a dashboard that will make postal operations more transparent like what is the best way to move the mail and pricing. This bill in and I encourage all of you to go and read up on it will save the postal service money and keep jobs. A win -win!
On March 13th we had our District training at the Space coast Branch 2689 Hall in Melbourne Florida. Speakers include our State President Al Friedman, former NBA and NALCREST Trustee Matty Rose. Also speaking was National Political Organizer Eddie Davidson among others. They talked about HR3076 new vehicles contract issues and political affairs. Branch 1091 was well represented. In attendence were President Byron Shelton and Vice Presidents Bruce Hamilton and Lissette Rivera our LCCLs Gordy Ford and Jackie Daly and Trustee Daryl Kridler and me. President Byron Shelton did an outstanding class for new stewards along with technical assistance from the VP Bruce Hamilton. I can’t thank them enough for their help. And our Washington guest Eddie Davidson was very impressed with their presentation. Branch 1091 rocked, and I thank Branch 2689 for hosting. Our next training will in Orlando at Branch 1091.
Please Brothers and Sisters Be Safe, Be Professional and Be 1091 Strong! Any questions or if I can help contact me at or 407-808-3626 ….Shane Ulbin Br 1091 Legislative Representative / FSALC District 3 Chairman
Postal Reform Act YES! / Filibuster Why?
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all well. So where are we on the Postal Reform Bill? The great news is we have enough votes in the house and the senate to pass the first and largest postal bill in 15 years. This bill is both Bi -Partisan and filibuster proof and that’s amazing and comes as a result of years of hard work by our letter carrier congressional liaisons (lccl) and our district chairpersons along with so many activists who stepped up. Now because of Build Back Better (BBB) which still should be passed in some form and some sort of voting legislation still being negotiated, and the nomination of a new supreme court judge we are looking at around march for the bill to come up for a vote. So, when that bill comes up, we will need all of you to contact your senators and representatives to make sure they don’t get cold feet. The Postal Reform Act (PRA)has many improvements to the service that will protect the service and our jobs. Including stopping the Pre-Funding that costs the USPS about 5.2 billion dollars per year. It will have language that guarantees 6-day delivery. It will collate Medicare and the NALC health plan to give retirees options. It will provide much more accountability on the way the USPS does business and so much more you should really look the bill up to see everything in it. The bill is supported by both the NALC and APWU.
Now one thing you need to know is that DeJoy our Postmaster General (PMG) is a republican appointee and has gotten a lot of the republicans in both the house and senate on board. Some of the gop have threatened to change their vote if he is removed so that won’t even be considered before the PRA is passed. So, when we ask you to make that call on these bills you need to do so!
Now let’s talk about the filibuster the tool used to stop the new John Lewis Voting Act. Was the filibuster an intended tool by the founders? Well, no it wasn’t what was there was debate which could be endless to give the minority a chance to be heard or to try to run out the clock on a bill. It has gone under many changes over the 20th century. The filibuster was accidently introduced as a side effect of an 1806 rule change to eliminate debate by simple majority. It was used rarely and most famously used by democrat Strom Thurmond who talked for 24 hours during the civil rights debate in 1957. Then in 1964 it was used for 60 days to hold up the civil rights act by the Dixiecrats. Then by 1970 they only needed to filibuster by written notice. This change inadvertently introduced the supermajority. In 1974 the (Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act) created budget reconciliation to try to cut down time. In 2013 and 2017 changes to rule XXII required only a simple majority vote called cloture to end debate on presidential nominations. This was done by invoking what they call the nuclear option a parliamentary procedure that allows the senate to override one of its rules including the 60-vote threshold. Then 50 votes plus one the vice president could pass a bill. But this isn’t the only time the senate changed the rules through this process they have done it for the budget and even for some of the recent federal judges. So did the founders intend a filibuster, obviously not.
February is Black History Month get involved get educated on such a huge part of American history. (And when you discover what you will be in life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it.) …… MLK
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Br1091 Legislative Representative/FSALC District 3 Chairman
New Year’s Resolution or Reformation
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, hope your holidays went well. But now as we enter the new year, we have new challenges. Those challenges will require your efforts. Our Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL)and our District Chairs have worked tirelessly for the past two years to get where we are. But YOU must help bring it home.
(O, once in each man’s life, at least, Good luck knocks at his door; And wit to seize the witting quest Need never hunger no more) ………L.J. Bates
I am talking of Postal Reform! In the house its H.R.3076 in the senate its S-1720. These bills will repeal the current 5.6 billion pre-funding along with integrating our healthcare and Medicare upon retirement. You will be able to still opt out if you choose. The combined will save 45.9 billion dollars over ten years. It codifies 6-day delivery. It requires every six months a report that tells us how operations are doing and what transportation is best. It will put the Postal Regulatory Commission under the eyes of the inspector general. Both the NALC and the APWU support Postal Reform as it is written.
So where are we at? In the House H.R.3076 has 58 democrats and 44 Republicans but we need 218 to get it passed. Something we can do with that many republican co-sponsors. In the Senate S-1720 there are 14 Republicans and 12 Democrats and 1 Independent. This means that if we get a vote and Nancy Pelosi says its on the agenda for the New Year it will not only be a major bill. But a bi-partisan one and with 14 republican senators on board it’s also filibuster proof! It can PASS!!
So here it is calling the numbers I leave here and ask for these Representatives and Senators to support this bi- partisan effort to save the postal service which is in jeopardy without passage of the Postal Reform Act. You can save letter carrier jobs. It’s your jobs folks! Its that simple no fear just hard factual truths. It will only take 5 minutes or less and it can promise your future at the postal service. Please Call: for S-1720
Marco Rubio: 407-254-2573 or 866-630-7606 a message is fine
Rick Scott: 202-224-5274 or 407-872-7161………… For H.R.3076:
Val Demings: 321-388-9808 or 202-225-2176 a message is fine
Stephanie Murphy:202-225-4035 or 888-205-5421 Bill Posey :202-225-3671 or 772-226-1701. Please make these calls we need your help. Of NOTE Darren Soto has already signed on.
(A person is born on purpose to fulfill a purpose). ,,,,, Yusef Salaam 1 of the Central Park 5…. Our Purpose is plain. We must do all we can to pass the Postal Reform Act. Its not too much to ask for this fine institution of ours the United States Postal Service.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin Br 1091 Legislative Representative / FSALC District 3 Chairman……… Contact me at or 407-808-3626
All I Want for The Holidays…………….
All I want this season is for Tallahassee to work. And for Washington to work. I would love to see management just once carry a route under the call they tell you carriers you should do. For everyone to think before they speak and to listen when being spoken too. To stop thinking that someone with a different opinion is always wrong and on some other side, we are all citizens of this great country and should remember that.
(The story you believe shapes the society in which you live) …. Unknown.
Last month I mentioned that 2 Infrastructure Bills were pending in Congress. The good news is that the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure bill did pass, and it needed all 13 Republicans that voted for it. In part because 6 Democrats voted against it. I can’t speak on all the democrats that voted against it. But I am familiar with one Alexandria Ocasio Cortez my wife is from her district in New York and if any district needs infrastructure its hers. I mention her to point out that our Congress needs to start to put their constituents first over ideology. Both parties are so guilty of this, and it has added to our division our (sides). But this bill also showed that under this President we can still get things done. The other infrastructure bill, Build Back Better Act (BBBA) isn’t so lucky and will have to be passed through the process called reconciliation. The GOP is crying foul, but they need to be reminded that their huge corporate tax bill of 2017 was passed the same way. BBBA did pass the house and is now in the senate where it will go through some changes, but I do expect it to pass. The senate should take this bill up before Christmas however Florida’s 2 senators aren’t expected to vote for it, but we should all call them anyway to let them know this bill is a bill that will help everyone.
There is money in this bill (6 billion) that will go to federal vehicles both electric and gas and including Postal Vehicles. There is money to help address climate change and tax breaks for families. There is money for childcare and for building trade internships and community college This bill and the first one that has passed is the largest policy to help working Americans since the new deal. It is spread out over 10 years and will be 1.2 percent of our GDP. So, there is a plan in place to pay for most of these bills. This unlike the afore mentioned corporate tax bill that has added over 2 trillion to our debt. It is a Merry Christmas for us all even if by chance the second bill fails.
(If you would have me weep, you must feel grieve yourself) …Horace
Next month I will talk about all our Postal Resolutions and the Postal Reform Act. On December 4th our Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) and myself will be attending the Florida Democratic Party Gala at the Rosen hotel. We always try to attend these events from either party to network and try to setup future meetings to address Postal issues. I will report on how we do. Our meeting last month with Representative Darren Soto was a good one. He supports all our Postal issues and understands the problem of paying for both Medicare and another federal healthcare plan when we retire . We look forward to future meetings.
(I heard the bells on Christmas day, Their old familiar carols play, And wild and sweet, The words repeat, Of peace on earth, good-will to men) …Longfellow.
Please Brothers and Sisters be safe make it home to your families and have a very Merry Holiday and Happy New Year to you all and your families………Shane Ulbin, Br 1091 Legislative Representative/ FSALC District 3 Chairman …Contact ( … (407-808-3626).
The Pork Chop Gang Rides Again!
The tears of Saints more sweet by far Than all the songs of sinners are…. Herrick.
Back before the sixties lawmakers redrawing boundaries were political in nature. Remember my story about the governor and the salamander? Yes, I’m talking about Gerrymandering. Before the Civil Rights Bill a group of 20 conservative democrats called the Pork Chop Gang (PCG) held power in our legislature. They took gerrymandering to a new level. When the were done drawing the new district map it was such that at times just 12 % of the voters could vote in a new senator (minority rules). Now in the present we have laws that we the people voted on to protect our districts. But just like vote by mail our legislature will and have made changes that all to often cost money in court just to be told they are wrong. But be careful the Pork Chop Gang rides again but this time its clever Republican Extremists that still believe or claim too anyway that the election was stolen. We need to pay attention. Already 3 democrat seats are not being represented because are governor refused to fill them until a lawsuit came by. Now he’s acting but not until the session is over that’s hundreds of thousands of Floridians not having their voices heard. In comparison a couple of years ago when 2 republican seats opened in took him only 2 weeks and one in 5 days to replace. Talk about stolen!
In district 7 they are targeting a friend of letter carriers Stephanie Murphy. Because of the census results Florida gets to add a district. And that district needs to be here in central Florida. Now they can try to change district 7 to make it more red however they would be rolling the dice and costing themselves in the long term. That’s because it would also change a current red district whom new growth is mostly blue. In the meantime, Stephanie Murphy, a moderate has drawn some republican votes and most of the independents in Seminole county caucus with the democrats so she would probably still win and in the next few years the gop would lose the new district. It will be interesting to see how (PCG) plays it.
As I write this the 2 infrastructure bills have not passed though they are close. After congress is done with the infrastructure bills the NALC will be calling all hands-on deck to push for the Postal Reform bill which will end prefunding and permanently protect six-day delivery amongst many other things I will write about as we get closer. There is no new news on PMG Lejoy but the pieces are in place to remove him if that is the decision in the future. I myself don’t think his plan as is will be viable for the postal service, I am talking later today with Congressman Darren Soto about this and postal reform. I will keep you posted.
I would like to congratulate Elizabeth Shuler (IBEW) the new President of the AFL-CIO. She is replacing the Labor Lion Richard Trumka who passed away on August 5th. And I would like to congratulate Fred Redmond (United Steel Workers) is the new Vice President and I am so proud that we have our first woman and African American leading the union of more than 12.5 million members.
As I mentioned later today, I have a labor meeting with Congressman Darren Soto. We will be talking about the Infrastructure Bills the Postal Reform Bill and Climate Change for Workers. I meet with him, and others regularly so please contact me with your concerns, and I promise you will be heard. I still need a Letter Carrier Congressional Liaison (LCCL) for Darren Soto. I will also be thanking Darren for attending both our State Convention and Region 9 Rap Session I can’t thank him enough for helping me as much as he does.
I keep six honest men (They taught me all I know) Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. ……. Kipling.
Please brothers and sisters be smart be safe and be professional. Always be able to go home to your families they need you we need you!
In solidarity Shane Ulbin, Br 1091 Legislative Representative /FSALC District 3 Chairman
407-808-3626 or (That’s 86 as in the 86 Mets )
Infrastructure Now! Infrastructure Forever!
‘’ A life of service is the rent you pay for Heaven “………. Muhammed Ali
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I hope all is well with all of you and your families. Why Infrastructure now and forever? Well one example I can give in real time is look at the Port of Los Angeles. The ships are lined up for miles waiting weeks to come to port. Because of lack of berths especially deep ones for the larger ships. Because of lack of trucks to pull the loads away. Because of lack of Longshoreman and Truck Drivers and workers in general. The infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better Bill provides the resources to fix this and so much more. Our ports like our roads, rail roads and airports are old and need to be made better and bigger to keep up with a supply chain that has sat dormant during the pandemic. We lack training for many of the new jobs in green energy the future is already here, and we are not prepared. And we have workers that need to take care of their children or sick members at home, so they work part time to be at home. We need the training we need daycare we need the internet to reach everyone. Our retirees need help with prescriptions, hearing and sight. These bills help with that and so much more. An brothers and sisters we can do this we are America. So, call your Representative and Senators tell them failure is not and option America is at a crossroads, and we need infrastructure now and forever. It’s the absolute heartbeat of America and we can do this.
“I can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree “………. Cassius Clay.
The feeling is after infrastructure we can get Postal Reform H.R.3076/1720 done. H.R.3076 in the house has moved out of committee. And in the Senate S.1720 has 13 republican co – sponsors which means it could pass the senate with 63 votes. This is our moment our shot it can really happen. It would finally end Postal Prefunding. It would reform the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)by maximizing Medicare integration. And permanently give us six-day delivery. I recently was interviewed by Jobs for Justice on the FEHB issue and the gap between Medicare and a younger spouse not yet eligible and the result in healthcare costs. I gave permission to edit it for upcoming commercials I did this despite having a face for radio. In other news of importance, the house passed the appropriations bill which provides six-day delivery for the next fiscal year. The Postal Reform Bill would eliminate that procedure and permanently guarantee six-day delivery. So please call your Representative and Senator and tell them to support Postal Reform.
I am sad to announce Fred and Joni Brown have stepped down from their Letter Carrier Legislative Liaison (LCCL) positions for Val Demings and Darren Soto. Their integrity, hard work and grit over all the years in the halls of Tallahassee and Washington will be truly missed. And what they have meant to me during our fight is immeasurable. I wish them much love going into retirement fulltime.
I am proud to announce that Jackie Daly has stepped up to the task for the LCCL for Val Demings. She was part of our releases staff in the last election and made those in Branch 1091 proud. Welcome to the fight sister. I still need a LCCL for Congressman Soto if interested please contact me. I will handle the duties in the interim.
Last month I traveled to Naples as part of the state executive board team. We were tasked with the job of inspecting and negotiating with the hotel for our 2023 state convention. The Naples Grande is a very exciting place with five restaurants and three bars and beach and three pools. I look forward to our next convention and know our delegates will be pleased.
If you’re not giving to our Letter Carrier Political Fund (LCPF) why not? Its your jobs and your family’s welfare we fight for. Its your future to find out how contact me or Nate Shivers of Azalea Park.
“If you have tears shed them now “……Shakespeare He must of had to give a call!
In solidarity Shane Ulbin, Br1091 Legislative Representative /FSALC District Three Chairman
407-808-3626 or (
I have worked for National, State, and branch 1091 at various times. But 1091 is always where my heart is. And I never been prouder of our branch then how our volunteers and officers stepped up for our 76th State Convention. Although 1091 was the host branch the responsibility for a successful convention falls on the state board which as district chairman, I am part of. But how the host branch and district step up with ideas, man and women power and arranging entertainment, speakers and anything that arises locally makes it a memorable convention. One in which our business gets done and the delegates and their families have fun. This was made even more difficult because of the unexpected covid surge in Orlando.
Our state president Al Friedman prior to the convention sung high praise for branch President Byron Shelton for as hard as he was working helping us prepare. And I know Byron leaned heavily on fellow branch officers Bruce Hamilton and Lissette Rivera. This was the first state convention since the pandemic that our national president Fred Rolando attended in person. He was so impressed with our preparation from absolutely everyone wearing masks to 1091 volunteers cleaning the guest mics between speakers. To quote President Rolando (Florida has set the standard for the country).
Another highlight was when branch 1091 brother Glen Montenegro started of each day with an inspired and beautiful rendition of our national anthem. I for one think Glen should sing at our national convention in Chicago next year. He is that good!
Our hospitality suite was a hospitality floor as we had the entire 27th floor with 2 bars and room for 200 people. It was a former restaurant with a beautiful view including all the Disney fireworks displays. But with this there was the need for hard working volunteers and 1091 stepped up in a big way.
Our family night dinner was enjoyable with a live rock band whose songs bought back memories. I want to thank 1091 for supporting myself to be elected your district 3 chairman once again. It is an honor I will continue to work hard for our union and try to make branch 1091 proud. Our guest speakers were also inspiring. Congresswomen Val Demings who we are endorsing in her run for senate spoke on our postal issues and how proud she was of the letter carriers for all your hard work during our elections and this pandemic. And delivering while being under attack from our former president. She is not a fan of Postmaster General DeJoy. State House Representative Anna Eskamani who helped over 40,000 Floridians get unemployment benefits during the pandemic told us of all the shenanigans that went on Tallahassee during this year’s session most of which I have written about. I have high hopes for Anna as I expect her to a congresswomen and friend of the letter carriers. Then on Saturday congressman Darren Soto visited all the classes talking to the carriers about all the press conferences we did to protect the usps. He also talked about postal reform, and he also is not a fan of our postmaster.
We along with the AFL-CIO passed out postcards addressed to our senators to ask them to support the Pro Act to help protect collective bargaining. We collected 107 and mailed them. Eddie Davidson from national signed up 104 more contributors to our letter carriers political fund and I can’t thank him enough. If you haven’t signed up, please do so this is important to your future. You can contact brother Nate Shivers from Azalea Park or me.
Next week I will be traveling to Naples along with other members of the FSALC executive board to negotiate our hotel for the 2023 state convention. Naples is beautiful and we all should look forward to our next convention.
I wish all a safe and healthy September. You can contact me at 407-808-3626 or
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Br 1091 Legislative Representative/ FSALC District 3 Chairman
Pettifogging Tammany Hucksters to Tallahassee Allshucksters!
Hello brothers and Sisters, I trust you are well. Staying hydrated and hopefully vaccinated.
What is a Pettifogging Tammany Huckster? Well pettifogging is endless arguing over little legal details. And Tammany Hall was a corrupt democratic organization in New York during the 1800s. A huckster is a con man. All this sound familiar? Ok so what is an Allshuckster? Well, our governor signed a law that is supposed to stop illegal protesting unless he supports it like the Cuban protests that shut down major arteries in Miami. Well, All Shucks! Now I support the Cuban cause 100% but that’s not the issue. Then our governor signs a voter suppression law. Well on election day he said to the country that Florida’s election went so well the other states should model their elections after ours. Well, All Shucks! Then there was the internet tax law that ends up putting money in the unemployment fund that is supposed to come from corporate taxes like our share comes from payroll taxes the result is we pay taxes twice for the same thing. Well, All Shucks! I can go on, but I think you get it. The more things change the more they stay the same. It must be changed, and we must do it. We can do it by registering to vote and by registering our family members and friends. And then making sure we vote to rid ourselves of these allshucksters that are really hurting our families and way of life. Rise up and be heard!
So, moving on August 26th I attended Representative Stephanie Murphy’s labor advisory board meeting unfortunately the congresswomen had to go to Washington early for the Jan. 26th insurrection committee meeting. So, I met with her chief of staff Brad Howard. I was so happy to introduce our new Letter Carrier Legislative Liaison (LCCL) for Florida District 7 James (Gordy) Ford. It was a very productive meeting mostly centering on the Pro Act and the Infrastructure Bill. The Pro Act is stalled, and the Infrastructure Bill is moving forward so far. I am going to schedule a meeting with the congresswomen to introduce Gordy to her and to discuss the Postal Reform Act to see if we can do anything to move it along in the senate. Gordy is going to be a great addition to our district political team, and I thank him for stepping up.
‘’ Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing ‘…Salvatore Dali
The focus right now by our union is H.R.3076 which addresses prefunding and reform on health benefits to help those who enroll in Medicare when retired late. It also has language that would protect six-day delivery for mail and packages. The Postal Service will also be required to have semi annual reports on its 10-year plan. H.R. 3077 will address ballot tracking, paid parental leave and 8 billion dollars to provide electric vehicles. For those of you that are newer and are not aware of pre- funding the usps is required to pay 5.6 billion dollars a year towards retiree healthcare since 2006. It is an unnecessary burden that hurts the bottom line. This is closest we have been to Postal Reform since 1972 and we need to work hard to make it happen. Please give to the Letter Carriers Political Fund (LCPF) to help this fight. Your donation is needed to help pay for this fight because we cannot use union dues. You can help by voting to keep our friends those who support us in congress and by making sure all you know who can vote also.
A lobbying group Thorn Run Partners has been hired by the city of Winter Park to try to negotiate with the postal service the sale of the Winter Park Post Office on N New York Avenue. The city has been trying to purchase the post office for decades So far, the USPS has turned down a deal believed to be between 12 to 15 billion dollars. The city is also seeking help in congress and is trying to get a bill passed in the senate that would allow the city to use federal money on some of its projects. Talk about salt in the wound! Hope to see some of you at our state convention this month in Orlando. Be Safe Be Smart!
In Solidarity, Shane Ulbin Branch 1091 Legislative Representative /FSALC Dist.3 Chairman
District Three Welcomes You to Orlando!
Welcome Brothers and Sisters to the Florida State Association of Letter Carriers 76th Biennial State Convention. My name is Shane Ulbin, and I am the district 3 Chairman. I ask that all of you adhere to the hotel and conventions safety protocols. I am confident that we will all have a safe and productive convention. But please while you here in Orlando make sure you and your families have lots of fun in one of the most magical places on earth. Look for any branch 1091 volunteer for any questions you may have or anything you may need to make your stay special. More on that later but first let me introduce to our district.
Our District is composed of five branches. Branch 1091 Orlando our host branch is our largest and is led by new President Byron Shelton. Branch 2689 Space Coast is led by President Sante Zepperi. Branch 5955 Altamonte Springs is led by President Luis Rodriguez. Branch 5192 Apopka is led by President Carlos Rodriguez and Branch 2591 Deland is led by John Adamets. We have four congressional districts and our Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) have been working hard. District 7 Stephanie Murphy (D) has LCCL Heather Cajigas (1091) District 8 Bill Posey (R) has LCCL Mike Monopoli (2689) District 9 Darren Soto(D) has LCCL Joni Brown (1091) and District 10 Val Demings (D) has LCCL Fred Brown (1091). Val Demings and Darren Soto will be some of our guest speakers and at the time of my writing this Stephanie Murphy has been in contact but has not yet confirmed. We have been successful politically having our congresspersons as co-sponsors on most of our postal agenda to protect our jobs and way of life. During the 2020 campaign most of our letter carrier candidates won and although we lost the presidential race, we won the I-4 corridor turning Seminole and Pinellas counties blue. Our release staff included James Ford and Jacquelyn Daly (1091), Mike Clark (2689) and myself. During the Georgia Senate runoff, the NALC played a key role in flipping the senate. I was honored to be asked along with Gerry Lonergan to work for the Georgia AFL-CIO. There were three from the NALC that worked administratively Eileen Ford, Donald Griggs and myself. Mike Clark (2689) volunteered to work from home and made many calls on his own and Gerry Lonergan made more calls than any other release staff from any union he was a machine. I worked as the Zone 2 lead and was tasked to run the central Georgia operation from Macon. It was a lot of work, but I could not be prouder of our Florida and Georgia Nalc staff. I sincerely thank all of you for giving us the opportunity to make a difference our union is strong. Please if you have not registered to vote you can do so now, please come see me. And if do not give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund (LCPF) please sign up do so while you are here.
While here there is much for you and your families to enjoy. We have many golf courses in the area Disney Springs which has restaurants, bars and shops is right across the street from our hotel. Of course, there all the Disney Theme Parks right here. And just 20 minutes from here are the Universal Theme Parks including the newer Volcano Bay water park. And Universal City Walk is a hoot with its bars, restaurants and movie theater. Also, about 20 minutes away is SeaWorld which has added some roller coasters and has great shows. Near SeaWorld is I-Drive which has many theme bars and restaurants. Funspot is also there with lots of rides with smaller lines and price. I-Drive is home to the Eye the large Ferris Wheel where you can enjoy a drink with great views. Next door is Madame Tussauds Famous Wax Museum and the Sea Life Aquarium. Ripley’s Believe It or Not and Wonder Works Upside Down Amusement Park is nearby and so much more. About an hour away Branch 2689 has Melbourne and Cocoa Beaches with great downtowns with of course restaurants and bars and shops. They have the Kennedy Space Center and Astronaut Hall of Fame if want that out of this world experience. If baseball is something you like up the road from Cocoa about 90 minutes away from the hotel is Daytona home to more than a racetrack its also home to the third oldest MLB Stadium at Jackie Robison Ballpark. Its home to the Daytona Tortugas Class A baseball (Reds). They will be playing the Jupiter Hammerheads. Watching a game here is like stepping back in time. Jackie Robinson played his first pro game there after the KKK chased him out of Sanford. If you want nature than Branch 2591 has Blue Springs right of off I-4. The springs has crystal clear water where you can swim in 72-degree water too cold for me! If you are into the mystic and want your fortune told or maybe tea with a witch, then not too far from the springs is Cassadaga. And right here in our hotel the huge pool also has a lazy river that is more my speed. And our hospitality room should be one to remember that is also my speed too. So, brothers and sisters there is so much to explore and do please make this a convention to remember! In Solidarity Shane Ulbin District 3 Chairman,( or 407-808-3626)
United We Stand Divided We Crawl!
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! Hopefully, you and your families had a happy and safe Fourth of July!
No matter how you celebrate grilling, beach maybe a ball game we all are united on our great nation’s birthday. Many governments from civilizations past have made sacrifices only to fail. The Romans made sacrifices of nations conquered. The Egyptians made sacrifices from within in their own nation. The Aztecs made human sacrifices to their sun god. They all failed because of selfishness and not of concern for the people. Our nation is one of for and bye the people. And our nation has giving the greatest sacrifice of all. That of our national treasure our defenders of freedom. Our military and their families have sacrificed so much, and many have sacrificed all. We must honor these heroes the way that our great nation allows like no other. And that is to vote! To many do not! Shame on them! So many in this world cannot and dream of some day to have the rights we take for granted. The rights so many Americans have sacrificed for. So please if your not registered do so! If you are please make sure you vote and vote for what you believe is best for you and your families no matter our differences, we need to stand up for democracy.
“Neutrality does not serve righteousness, to be neutral between right and wrong is to serve wrong” …Teddy Roosevelt.
I am going to keep it short and will be back next month on all the bills you need to know to protect our jobs and families. We will be starting to bring up the heat on Postal Reform to try to get something done before the midterm elections. Our union is a strong one and for that we are lucky. We have many republican and democrat members and despite our differences we stand together, and we must always remember whether in Washington or the Postal Managers office: United We Stand Divided We Crawl!
“Its easier to build strong children, then to fix broken men “…Frederick Douglas.
Be Safe Stay Hydrated In Solidarity Shane Ulbin Branch1091 Legislative Representative/FSALC District Three Chairman… or 407-808-3626.
The US Constitution or Contract of America
So, I often wonder how much our constitution and our national contract have in common. The constitution is like our contract it makes law universal for all branches or states and our state legislatures makes law for individual states our branches like a local memorandum of understanding (lmou). The lmou can vary from branch to branch but can never change the contract to do so. The same standard applies for state legislators and our constitution. So why does Florida’s Legislature insist on passing bills that violate not only the US Constitution but the state constitution as well? They end up going to court costing us much taxpayer money only to lose. I can think of at least four that will. Of course, HB1 the anti-riot bill and we have had no riots. Then there’s SB 90 the voter suppression bill. We had the best election ever in 2021 both bills are Governor Ron (Crow) DeSantis favorite. Then there’s SB 50 the internet tax bill that taxes you twice for unemployment benefits as a result. A good bill if not for how they are using it. And there is SPB7080 the Gambling bill this one violates our state constitution bigly. Florida voters have voted an amendment that says any gambling bill needs to go on the ballot for all to vote. That did not happen here whoops. I will be following all these lawsuits that are stacking up just as our union would do grievances if management tried to change your lmou.
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. Shakespeare.
Management should use Shakespeare when asking for your call for with all the empathy they possess But Brothers and Sisters do not let them rile you up to get you off your game, so you make their call and not yours. Please be safe out in this heat stay hydrated and be always aware of surroundings. Your families need you and you need this job so protect it and them.
Now back to what I do politics YEAH RIGHT! I know it is a boring subject yet so important.
We have a new bill introduced that needs our attention. That’s Senate Bill S 1720 this bill mirrors H R 3076. These bills will stop the prefunding that has financially crippled the postal service for years. Other language requires the postal service to maintain integrated package and mail delivery six days a week. The bill will also require the usps to give semi annual reports to congress on its ten-year plan. And provide a public dashboard using nationwide delivery metrics to track delivery performance. It also mandates the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) to review competitive and noncompetitive products and a study of nationwide processing of flats. It also provides the PRC independent budget authority through the Postal Fund preventing it from being impacted by shutdowns and so forth. It also directs the usps to use the most efficient means to transport mail. The Senate bill has ten democrats and ten republicans introducing the bill.
This bill can be a game changer, so we need all of you to call your representative H R 3076 and senators S 1720 to tell them to support and vote yes on these two bills.
Senator Marco Rubio 407-254-2573 Senator Rick Scott 202-224-5274 You can simply google your representative by using your address or go to NALC .ORG or use our app this call is especially important to you and your families make the call. You can also help by giving to the Letter Carriers Political fund (LCPF).
Our very dear friend Congresswomen Val Demings is about to announce she is running for Marco Rubio’s Senate seat in 2022. Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy another dear friend of ours has pulled out of the running to support Val Demings. This will be the most watched race in the country. I am currently talking to both congresswomen asking them to be speakers at our upcoming convention in August in Orlando. Congressman Darren Soto has confirmed, and I know an invite has been given to gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist and others. Our state legislative liaison Kevin Byrne has been working on a program that breaks down state senate and house districts along with federal districts and how many carriers we have in each this will be a valuable tool to our district chairs like myself. I am thinking of using this tool and maybe bringing back the old carrier corps program but on a state or branch level that will give us the ability to strike fast when needed. More on this as I talk with Kevin.
Let him be kept from paper, pen and ink; so, he may cease to write and think. (Prior)
So, brothers and sisters thank you for all you do please contact me if I can help, please be safe,
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin Branch 1091 Legislative Representative / FSALC District 3 Chairman, 407-808-3626,
The Governor and the Salamander
Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all well and safe. I know its already hot so please drink plenty of water and be aware of signs of heat illness. So, I have been telling you mostly about our issues in Tallahassee. Mainly SB 90 the voter suppression bill which has passed. We won some important changes, but it will be going to court costing taxpayer’s money unnecessarily. It is bill to only to try to prop up our governor for reelection and a possible presidential run that we must pay the price for.
But I want to talk about our next problem we face in Florida’s political universe. There was a governor in Massachusetts by the name of Elbridge Gerry. The year was 1812 and the legislature passed a bill to make lines on the map for congressional districts. Well, ole Elbridge’s district when it was done looked like a salamander said a local journalist. The district was made to keep as many of the governor’s party together while splitting his opponents to help insure he can win reelection. Soon the national media picked up on the salamander looking district and gave it the nickname Gerrymander. Named after the governor and the name and practice has endured until this day and is known as Gerrymandering.
Today Gerrymandering is worse than ever with both parties equally guilty of this practice. The last time Florida done this the state was found to have done so unconstitutionally and the court ordered how it had to be done. That was then and this is now. And because the census has added another congressional seat to Florida and with this being what has been the most unfriendly legislature for working people probably since Jim Crow, we can safely predict an all-out attack on our districts. When it is done your current representative may not be the same person even though you voted them in office. The end results of Gerrymandering are that the majority of voters are represented by the minority party in office. Not what our forefathers had in mind. And systemic change in this part of our voting system is in dire need. No doubt this to will end up in court with again Floridians paying the bill. We will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.
I mentioned the worse legislature for working families, maybe ever in Florida. These laws affect us all, letter carriers and their families and our neighbors. This year there are laws for example that will tax you twice. That is right twice. They passed a law that will tax internet sales, which is fair. What is not fair is are they using that money to fix the unemployment system or affordable housing or roads or schools? No, they are paying into the unemployment fund which is supposed to be paid for by businesses. This is to keep their unemployment tax which is one of the lowest in the country for 12 years down. Now you already have a payroll tax that you pay into that fund and now they are taking your internet sales tax to also pay for it you are being taxed twice. Understand this new tax will create over 1 billion dollars in revenue and is going back to corporations that do not even pay taxes here. Another unfortunate law is one that will make rioting or certain protests a felony. Great you say! Well not really this is simply a ruse directed at BLM and like organizations to make political points for future campaigns by some of our representatives including the governor. This law will also end up in court costing us money similar bills have already been found unconstitutional in other states and they already knew that. Understand that this has hardly been a problem in Florida. The only close to a riot we had there were over a hundred arrested and charged as they should be. Our current laws already work. There are other laws to tell you about but for another time.
Something else I will be watching closely is our budget. The new internet tax provides great revenue as will a new upcoming gambling bill that will be discussed during a special session in May. But the big income boost is coming from Washington under President Bidens Recovery Act. We are talking about 10.2 Billion dollars and some more to tribal nations. So hopefully this money gets spent on Florida and not lowering taxes.
HB 695 USPS Fairness Bill continues to gather co-sponsors and hopefully will be voted on this year. Please if you are not giving to the Letter Carriers Political Fund this is the time to do so as we fight to protect the Postal Service. Please contact me. Next month I will look at where we are at on our bills and resolutions and nominations. If you have any questions or want to talk about these issues, I can be reached at 407-808-3626 and ulbin86 Yes, you seen that right AOL I have had the same email address and cell phone number for 26 years. That is 4 years less than I carried mail. Be Safe All
Capital is the only fruit of Labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed, …… Abraham Lincoln
In Solidarity,
Shane Ulbin Branch 1091 Legislative Representative / FSALC District Three Chairman
The Crow Has Landed
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, The Spring has arrived we moved our clocks ahead and soon the air will be filled with the sounds of summer. But for our carriers will still be hearing (What is your Call) or (I know you are not on the list, but I have no one else) and many other alternate truths. Just remember to hydrate be safe and make it home to your families.
Our NALC Political work is paying off as the president signed the Covid Relief Bill. The bill has already helped many of our families with a stimulus check. There are higher child tax credits, Medicaid expansion for states who care enough about the working poor to take it. There is Federal Covid Leave that helps many workers carriers included. There is help for making it safer for schools to open.
Our political priorities are many. Starting with the USPS Fairness Act H.R.695 and its companion S.145 both would repeal the postal prefunding. Door to Door Delivery H. Res 109 to protect existing door delivery to residence and businesses. Service Standards House Resolution H. Res 119 which would restore standards to 7-1- 2012 which would speed up our mail and stop plant closures. Anti-Postal Privatization Resolution H. Res 47 this will help protect the future of the service. Social Security Fairness Act H.R. 82 this will help civil service carriers and those in FERS that had another federal job that did not pay into Social Security. There are many other important issues we need to bring to congress such as hazard pay, six-day delivery protection, vaccinations, protective equipment, emergency leave and more.
The president is helping carriers by his appointments and nominations from the USPS Board of Governors, to the NRLB, DOL, and OSHA, and Federal Judges. These will all give the NALC more leverage as we lobby to protect and improve our jobs. The NALC continues to grow relationships with our Representatives and Senators. All the issues I have mentioned are bi- partisan and we have both republican and democrat friends. All this is possible due to our Letter Carrier Political Fund because we cannot use union dues for political projects.
Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone, Edith Cavell
When our country started only white men that owned land could vote about 6 %. After the civil war they came with (black codes) and in1868 blacks could vote if educated and had no felonies including vagrancy. After reconstruction came the Jim Crow laws which led to poll taxes and literacy tests and white primaries. In 1920 July Perry tried to vote and was arrested this led to the Ocoee massacre he was taken out of the then Orlando jail and lynched. Jim Crow led to segregation at its worst and in 1951 Harry T Moore who had registered thousands to vote was killed when his house in Mims was bombed. He may have survived but he was refused treatment at Fish Memorial and had to go to the only hospital in the area to treat blacks in Sanford. In 2000 some 12,000 voters were purged from the rolls. In 2011 then Governor Rick Scott changed the voter laws cutting the early voting days in half eliminating the Sunday before election day known as souls to the polls. In 2018 voters passed amendment 4 to allow felons to vote but the legislature found ways to water it down. In 2020 Florida had its day in the sunshine our election day was near perfect thanks in part to the Postal Service moving a record amount of ballots Florida was the first state its size to call it for Donald Trump by 3 % a large margin in politics making it a red state.
So here we are today as bill SB 90 and its companion HB15 with much input from our Governor Ron DeSantis will change vote by mail (vbm) from you requesting your ballot every 2 election cycles or 4 years to requesting your ballot every year making it more difficult to vbm and for sure less votes. So that is not enough the new cousin to Mr. Crow, Ron Crow wants to take away early ballot drop boxes even the ones inside the election’s office! And only immediate family can drop off your ballot, now anyone can with a waiver. WHY! Voting changes are being made in 39 other states for no real no true reason. But here in Florida The Crow Has Landed!
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Br.1091 Legislative Representative /FSALC District 3 Chairman 407-808-3626
.Eat A Peach!
“There ain’t no revolution only evolution, but every time I’m in Georgia I eat a peach for peace “, Duane Allman.
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, there is a revolution going on in our country right now a Labor revolution. Unions are being attacked almost daily. And unions are the voice of all working families. We are the last line of defense keeping our country from going back to the days of the gilded age when workers were at the mercy of corporation and politicians. Unions are being attacked in state legislatures around the country and at the ballot box. Labor showed in this last election what unity can bring when different unions and workers rise up for a common cause. Congress should be paying attention as unity and civility has not been a reality for way to long in Washington.
“For the cause that lacks assistance. For the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, and the good I can do “, G.L. Banks. This has always been one of my favorite quotes as to me it should be the Shop Stewards creed. Because every day stewards fight this fight on the workroom floor. Everyday a Letter Carrier Congressional Liaison, Legislative Political Organizer, Union Lobbyists or District Chairman are meeting with or contacting politicians in the State Capitals in Washington and in all their district offices to remind them who makes America great. The Workers! They are lobbying for bills and resolutions that improve the quality of life for working families.
In Washington right now we have H.R.695 the USPS Fairness Act which in the last congress this was one of our resolutions. Now thanks to successful election that has built a labor friendly Washington it is now a bill introduced by Congressman Peter DeFazio. This is the bill that would stop the pre-funding that has crippled the postal service for over a decade. It now has 239 co-sponsors, and it is currently in the House Oversight Committee. And on 2/5/21 our own friend Congresswomen Stephanie Murphy (D) and David Joyce (R) introduced H. Res 109 our Door-to-Door resolution. This would protect existing door delivery for homes and businesses. Over 36 million customers currently receive delivery to their doors. This has been crucial during the pandemic especially for our elderly and disabled veterans’ 99 percent of these customers wish to keep door delivery. We need all of you to call, email and of course write your congressperson and ask them to support H.R. 695 USPS Fairness Act and H.res 109 Door-to -Door Delivery. And if they already have then please thank them for doing so. And please donate to Letter Carrier Political Fund this is so important as we now have momentum, we need to unite to stand our ground for our jobs and our families. Remember your union dues DOES NOT GO to political funding so we need you to give to LCPF.
In Tallahassee there is State Senate bill or SB 90. This bill would change the way you can request a vote by mail or (VBM) ballot. Right now, it is simple when you request a ballot that request is good for two election cycles or four years. Under SB 90 you would have to request a vbm ballot every year. We do not have an election every year so this will cause less voters and there is no money provided in this bill to help the 67 supervisors of elections to notify these voters of the need to again request a ballot. Remember it was letter carriers that wrote and pushed through the VMB Bill. It has resulted in many more Floridians voting. Our election was near perfect no fraud no problems. Now governor DeSantis wants to add to the bill mandating that the state could not mass mail ballots which is something the state does not do. He also wants to stop or limit the early voting site drop boxes something the state has done for years and something the supervisors say will cause big problems. He also wants to shorten the amount of early voting days. Why? The only difference between now and then is it used to be Republicans that preferred early and vbm voting now it is the Democrats that have used this more. In 2016 1,108,053 republicans and 1,049,809 democrats voted vbm in 2020 it was 1,506,213 republicans and 2,189,710 democrats that voted vbm. This bill was introduced by Senator Baxley and was passed out of the Ethics and Election committee and is currently in the Government Oversight and Accountability and Rules committee. The chair is Senator Ray Wesley Rodrigues. Please google this committee and call them and tell them no our system works fine. This in my opinion is voter suppression. VBM in Florida was the gold standard according to former President Trump.
So now I want to take a moment to congratulate our now former Branch 1091 President Rick Meyers for his retirement. Rick has served our branch with integrity, honor and an overabundance of caution to protect our branch. I always said if it were my job on the line, I would want Rick in the room. My best to you Buddy. And congratulations to our new Branch President Byron Shelton I look forward to advancing our political footprint with Bryon’s leadership. And congratulations to our new Executive Vice President Bruce Hamilton. We are so lucky to have Bruce at this time his experience will help us move smoothly into the future. And I am so excited for our new officer Lissette Rivera our first Madame Vice President! She has the knowledge the skill and hard work ethic to handle the job. Congratulations Lissette! Also, elsewhere in our District our sister Branch 5192 Apopka has a new President, Congratulations Carlos Rodriguez! Carlos has been here before and Branch 5192 has a great path forward Congratulations to all the officers Apopka Rocks.
“For I dipped into the future, far as the human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world and all the wonder that would be, “Tennyson.
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin, Branch 1091 Legislative Representative
FSALC District 3 Chairman 407/808/3626
Lift every voice and sing a beautiful song that is considered the Black National Anthem. We sing it at every important NAACP event. It was first recited as a poem at a Birthday celebration for Abraham Lincoln. It was written by James Weldon Johnson of Jacksonville Florida. The song is a prayer of thanksgiving and faithfulness and exodus from slavery. Another words it invokes the very principle from our constitution that separates America from every other democracy (We strive to create a more perfect union).
Brothers and Sisters our Union is also built on this basic principle. I read that many letter carriers wonder why they cannot get a bigger increase in their wages then what are in our new contract. First, I would like to say this is a good contract overall and I encourage all of you to vote yes on its ratification. My friends we can achieve better wages and more in future contracts. But you all must understand that as federal employees to do this we have to start in the halls of congress in the home offices of our representatives and senators. President Rolando understands this he knows what we achieve there will bring leverage to future negation tables.
To help you understand how just look at this past historic month what has happened. January 5th in large part due to labor and a strong presence from the NALC the United States Senate was flipped in a way that will benefit letter carriers and working families. On January 20th Joseph R Biden a labor and postal friendly President was sworn in. And the first women and person of color Kamala Harris was sworn in as Vice President. And as of the writing of this article this administration has a woman as Treasury Secretary the first black Secretary of Defense the first Hispanic HHS Secretary the first member of the LBGTQ community as Transportation Secretary. Yes, we do continue to strive for that perfect union. But unfortunately, on January 6th our capital during a stop the steal protest was attacked. A police officer was beaten to death by the mob of insurrectionists. Four others died in what was for most there a peaceful protest until this large group who many of which seemed to know what they were doing broke away and went our capital. Those responsible must be held accountable. But that night our congress still did their duties and certified the electoral votes. Our constitution once again stood up to challenges we face, and we must all due our part to move on. (Lift Every Voice and Sing).
Already President Biden has fired the General Council for National Labor Relation Board (NLRB). The same gentleman behind the firing of the Air Traffic Controllers under President Reagan. He was a union buster and had no business in that position. The President is raising the federal minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. He has expanded availability of food stamps during this pandemic I felt sick looking at those long food lines across our country as many are out of work. Your Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) and State and District Chairs and Letter Carrier Political Organizers (LPO) and YOU if you volunteer will be in these home offices and state capitals and Washington DC offices of our Senators and Representatives. We will be pushing your agenda with friends in congress to save the Postal Service to stop Pre-Funding to give the Postal Service the same money considerations they gave other corporations due to COVID-19. To show them all you do for our American communities from our food drive to our MDA contributions to all our heroes out there. And to remind them that you all deliver to every home in America whether they have tested positive or negative you find a way. That makes you all heroes.
So that is how we build leverage that is how we win. But we need help for those of us in the political trenches. We will need community volunteers we will need more contributions to the Letter Carrier Political Fund we need members to step up and help your branches food drive and to help run MDA events. We need you to call your representatives when we ask. Please load the NALC app to your phone because these things happen fast when they do, and you will be able to help in real time. Brothers and Sisters, we all need to up our game on what we have started. (Do we care to match the reality of America to its ideals) Barack Obama said. Are we ready to (Lift Every Voice and Sing)? Yes, we are!
Thank You All ,
In Solidarity, Shane Ulbin FSALC District 3 Chairman
Branch 1091 Legislative Representative.
Hello Brothers and Sisters, a lot is happening around District Three. First, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your families. On Sept. 24th, 2017 we had a special district training with both districts 3 and 4 at the Branch 1091 union hall. It was hosted by both district chairs Bob Henning 4 and Shane Ulbin 3. All the branch presidents attended and were giving special LMOU training by RAA, Lynn Pendleton. The district chairs did a presentation on the Letter Carriers Political Fund or (LCPF) and what it provides for our great union.
Back in August I attended my first meeting on Congresswomen Stephanie Murphy’s Labor Advisory Board. A lot of the letter carrier’s issues from pre -funding to the need of new vehicles were discussed. The Congresswoman was very concerned about safety, vehicles, and our retirement protection. Being named as a labor advisor is asset for the letter carriers that happened because of our LCPF funds at work.
During this past quarter Vice President Anthony Ali and myself have been traveling around to the different branches to give both contractual and legislative updates we hope to get to your branch soon. We are always available to help you sign up for the political fund. If you are a retiree and did contribute, please know that once you retire you need to reup as your donation does not automatically carry over. For those of you that don’t already contribute please start as I call this Save Our Ass insurance. The fund helps us legally elect candidates that protect our interests and jobs. It doesn’t matter what party the candidate is from if they help us we help them that simple. If you don’t believe me just check out how congress tried to put the Postal Service on budget back in Oct. if that happened it would mean that if sequestration happens, they shut down the government you would be out of work, no paycheck, no back pay, nothing. But the good news is thanks to the hard work of our Letter Carrier Political Liaisons or (LCPL) and District Chairs nationwide we have blocked that from happening for this year. We have a lot of friends in congress that stood up for us and without Republican help we couldn’t have done it.
We have many issues in Washington that need our involvement. They would like to raise our pension contributions up to 6.45% over the next 6 years at a carrier cost of up to $3,600 dollars.
They will like to eliminate cost of living adjustments for current and future retirees under FERS. They would like to reduce our pension benefits by basing annuities on a high 5 instead of the current high 3 yearly average. They would like to get rid of the annuity supplement that helps the gap for social security until the age of 62. They would cut the interest rate on the G fund in the thrift plan costing both retired and current letter carriers about32 billion dollars over the next ten years. They would like to make 46 billion in revenue changes that could cost us things like 6 day and door to door delivery costing us jobs. And again, try to put us back on budget. SO, WHAT CAN WE DO!
We can make sure we are registered to vote and that our families and friends are registered to vote. Once we are all registered to vote then we need to SIGN UP TO VOTE BY MAIL! You know vote by mail in Florida was accomplished by letter carriers! So, register and vote by mail.
The other thing we can do is to give to the Letter Carrier Political Fund! PLEASE GIVE, this is our jobs and the fund goes a long way to protecting them. Just 5 dollars a pay period that’s what I give it helps us do what we need because it is illegal to use union dues for political purpose. And again, our Political Action Committee or (PAC) is by-partisan. So please reach out to myself Shane Ulbin at 407-808-3626 or reach out Fred Brown or Anthony Ali and we will help you get signed up.
Please be careful this holiday season as both the Postal Service and the Union need you to come home to your families safe. Have a very Merry Christmas, Hanukah and Kwanza.
In Solidarity District 3 Chairman Shane Ulbin
On March 19 District 3 held its spring training. The training was held at the Branch 1091 Union Hall. Thank You Branch 1091 President Dan Tegreeny for the hospitality of the hall. Donuts and coffee were served. Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by chairman Shane Ulbin at 10 am. Followed by the chairman thanking those in attendance. FSALC President Al Friedman, Vice President Anthony Ali, Treasurer Mike Clark and State Education Director Joe Henchen. From the National branch were Legislative Political Organizer Ed Davidson, Regional Area Assistant Lynne Pendleton and from Nalcrest Matty Rose. Also thanked were Congressional District Liaisons from FL 7 Fred Brown ,FL 9 Joni Brown ,FL 10 Ray Moten FL 8 Mike Monopoli and from FL 6 Dennis Bonilla . Finally the Branch Presidents from 5955 Luis Rodriquez ,5192 Chris Hamrick ,5561 Sharon Capo ,2591 Betty English ,2689 Mike Monopoli and from 1091 Dan Tegreeny.
We welcomed special quests: Congressman Darren Soto and his Congressional Labor Assistant Darren Veriday.
Also thanks to the Forty-Two attendees. These trainings are important as you bring what you learned back to your fellow carrier’s family and friends. A special thanks to letter carrier Daniel John Sepetauc for all his help it is truly apricated.
We started in the morning with President Al Friedman speaking on the upcoming state convention, food drive, postal reform bill and many other state issues we face here in Florida. Al was followed Congressman Darren Soto who spoke of the reform bill the importance of letter carriers and the postal service to our country. He also told us of many labor issues ongoing in Washington and the fight ahead.
RAA Lynne Pendleton spoke and updated us on NALC issues and the new Postal Evaluation Tracking or PET program which like DOIS is a tool for carrier calls.
Matty Rose followed and told us about NALCREST our wonderful retirement community here in Florida He also explained the AFL-CIO Working Families Lobbying Corp which sends people to Tallahassee on behalf of labor. Call your CDL or myself for more information.
We then broke for lunch supplied for by the state association.
After lunch LPO Ed Davidson spoke on the postal reform bill, our retirement health plan and so much more from Washington. Ed took many questions and was very informative
And finally, RAA Lynne Pendleton gave us an outstanding class on Route Counts. She supplied us with much information and supplies to take home for future reference. A class every carrier should take.
Hope to see all of you at our state convention here in Orlando in august. And please help in any way you can in this year’s Letter Carrier Food Drive.
In Solidarity District Three Chairman Shane Ulbin
Click here for photos from District Three Meeting
Hello Brothers and Sisters my name is Shane Ulbin and I am both honored and humbled to be named to serve as the District Three Chairman of the Florida State Association of Letter Carriers (FSALC). I enthusiastically look forward to working with the Branch Presidents and Congressional District Liaisons of District 3 to represent our membership. Let me first share with you a little history of myself.
I’ve been a member of the NALC for twenty-six years and twenty-one of them with Branch 1091. I transferred from New Jersey back in 1991 where I was a member of the Teamsters for 2 years and the UAW for 10 years and helped organize 13 buses to join a massive labor protest in Washington against President Reagan after the firing of air traffic controllers whom were trying to organize.
While with Branch 1091 I have served as a Shop Steward for 14 years and a Formal A Representative for the past 13 years. I have served on two JRAP teams and one MIRAP team. I have been a branch Trustee for 3 years and the Food Drive Coordinator the last 2 years.
For the Florida State Association of Letter Carriers, I have served as the Congressional Liaison for Florida District 7 (John Mica) for 5 years. And I have been on the State Audit Committee for the last 3 audits. I also contribute the Letter Carrier Political Action Fund and have been a member of the E-Activist Network.
For National I served as Worksite Coordinator for Working Families during the 2012 release campaign in Orlando. I am currently on release staff for Working America Coalition Political Action Committee (WAC-PAC) in Orlando.
With two important bills the Postal Service Reform Act (HR5714) and the Improving Postal Operations, Service and Transparency Act or (IPOST) (S2051) before the House and Senate this year’s election is vital to the rank and file. I encourage all of you to please vote make sure your registered and vote by mail which is an option this year please contact your Supervisor of Elections for the easy details.
Working America is a PAC from the AFL-CIO and NALC release staff assigned to the WAC-PAC are paid for from the Letter Carrier Political Action Fund. These staff members work long and hard in many cases well over the 40 hours they are paid .SO PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO THE FUND! This election Florida and especially District 3 are ground zero for what is arguably the most important and historical one ever. And here in central Florida we have a chance to win 3 congressional and a senate seat in part due to redistricting and in part to one of the most unusual elections ever.
In Congressional District 9 State Senator Darren Soto is the favorite candidate and if elected he would be the first Puerto Rican Congressman in history. In Congressional 10 former Orlando Police Chief Val Demmings is another favorite. And in Congressional District 7 a newcomer Stephanie Murphy is in a tossup with incumbent John Mica that right tossup!
On the Senate side we have a chance to replace Marco Rubio with Patrick Murphy and of course in the White House we have endorsed Hillary Clinton. All these candidates have proven to be great friends of the Letter Carriers. So please contact your CDL or myself and volunteer, contribute and VOTE!
In Solidarity Shane Ulbin