Dianne Isaac
Executive Board District 1
Greetings brothers and sisters allow me to introduce myself, my name is Dianna Isaac. It gives me great pleasure to serve you as District One Chairperson. Please allow me to tell you a little about myself. I was grew up in Polk County Florida, the home of Nalcrest. I moved to South Florida at a young age in 1990. I proudly became a South Florida Letter Carrier and a Union member of Branch 1071 in 2006.
In 2016, I got off of the sidelines and became involved with being an advocate for my brothers and sisters in my station, Tropical Reef Pompano Beach, whom I work beside every day. I felt the need to get involved to push for better working conditions and fair treatment of my brothers and sisters by management. I am thankful and privileged to have the same opportunity to advocate for my brothers and sisters on a larger scale in the political arena. Along the way, I have had a wonderful support system from State President Al Friedman on down to retired President Branch 1071 Mark Travers. It would be a disservice if I failed the mention the great support that I receive from branch 1071 President Jeanette Trianna, the former District One Chairperson Frank Ramirez and the awesome Letter Carrier Congressional Liaisons (LCCL) that make up district one! President Jeanette Trianna and The Former Chairperson Frank Ramirez are superbly knowledgeable and extremely helpful and accommodating when it comes offering guidance and assisting me in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities as I serve District One Chairperson. I want do my very best to carry on this torch and our message all the way to Capital Hill on behalf of our brothers and sisters. The journey that’s far has been an incredible experience.
In closing, I want to again, give a ,thank you, a special thank you to all of the LCCL in District One for stepping up off of the sidelines to be a voice for our members. It takes a lot of courage and compassion to momentarily lay yourself aside to go before members of Congress to establish a good relationship for the Letter Carrier Craft. The work you put in is laying the groundwork for “ Positive Change “ and Improvement for a better quality of life for our brothers and sisters! # taking one for the team, Priceless! A very special thank you Eddie Davidson his Assistant Eileen Ford our Legislative Political Organizers (LPOs). I truly admire their love for what they do! They are always assessable and encouraging. Whenever I communicate with them, it’s always super positive and compassionate about what they are doing for Us Letter carriers in Region 9. I am truly honored to be considered this position and to work with some awesome people!